Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beginning of the Year - Get to know you games

I came across Sugardoodle's Webpage and saw these awesome beginning of the year, get-to-know-you games! These are so fun, and I can wait to use them on the first days of school. I love the silent interview game. It is similar to charades where a student has to tell their partner three things about themselves.. silently = no sounds, mouthing words, or making noises! Once the pair is done, they announce verbally to the class what they learned about their partner and see if they were correct! So cute!

This is a great resource with so many more games! You should definitely check it out!

--------------- From Sugardoodle's Webpage -------------------

Silent Interviews


  1. Divide the group into pairs - try to make mix the group into pairs of folks who don't know each other well.

  2. Ask the participants to introduce themselves to their partner.

  3. Instruct the group that from this point forward, speaking is not allowed. This includes whispering, mouthing words, and making sounds, too!

  4. Inform the group that they must tell their partner 3 things about themselves without speaking, similar to a charades game. These things can not be physical characteristics.

  5. Once all of the partners have finished miming to each other, call everyone back into a circle.

  6. Ask for each pair to verbally introduce their partner to the group, as well as the three things that they learned (or think they learned).

If you are working with very young children, you can do this as a group activity, where one child acts out a hobby for the group to guess. 

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