Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Writing Process Bulletin Board

I've updated and changed around my Writing Process bulletin board this year. Last year I had something similar, but it didn't work out as well as I liked. This board is almost complete. What I intend to do next is take a photo of each student and attach it to the end of each clothespin. Once students move onto the next step of the writing process, they clip their clothespin on the white strip. I was even able to make a section that will feature excellent writing pieces! Fingers crossed it works!

Last year I had different sections marked off with yarn. Students had their photo that they moved from section to section using a pushpin... we ended up having some problems with students poking their picture (or someone else's) in the face and it ended up a mess. I liked the concept of being able to visually see where each student was, but didn't like the execution. I feel that this year will be a success! I'll post back with an updated photo once school starts and let you know how I'm liking it!

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